Lucy Einna is an artist born in 1980 in France.  She currently lives and works in Belgium.

From 1999 to 2003, she studied at the Faculty of Letters of Montpellier III.  She has a degree in performing arts with a specialization in visual art.

From 2005 she moved to Brussels where she took courses in photographic techniques at Inraci, at the Contraste workshop and at the fine arts of Saint Gilles.

Her first exhibitions allow her to distribute her photographic works.

From 2011 to 2020 she distances herself from artistic creation and develops her professional life.

In 2020, the lockdown period linked to the covid 19 crisis allows her to resume her creative life.  She uses this time the medium of painting. 

She has since developed her artistic activity and works in her new studio in Belgium. 


1999-2002 : License in performing arts mentionned visual art.

University of Montpellier III. 

2007 : Inraci. 1st. Photography class. Brussels. 

2009 : Contrast photography workshop. Brussels. 

2017 : St Gilles Fine Arts Academy. Photography class. Brussels.


2004 :  Corum. Collective exhibition. Montpellier, France. 

2004 : "Blindly " Saint Ravy gallery. Personal exhibition. Montpellier, France. 

2007 : Art gallery present. Collective exhibition. Paris, France.

2011 : "The model moved ".Collective exhibition. B.A.M. Mons Fine Arts Museum , Belgium. 

2011 : Palace of the Archbishops. Collective exhibition. Narbonne, France.

2022 : Artopenkunst. Espace Vanderborgh. Collective show. Brussels, Belgium. 

2022 : "The divine feminine " Collective and Virtual show AFH. London, UK.  

2023 :  Contretype.  Art center for contemporary photography. Collective exhibition. Brussels, Belgium.



  • Prints from photographic series " ideal for viewing". Collection of the Fine art museum of Mons. B.A.M. Belgium. 

  • Private collections in France and Belgium.  



Interview for suboartmagazine.  October issue 12, 2023.  International emerging artist magazine.  Lisbon, Portugal.